Become a LILIENBERG member!

With a membership you are part of our LILIENBERG family and a unique network. You will enjoy free visits to our events (talks, conversations, presentations) and musical recitals and as a regular guest you will enjoy further benefits.


Membership becomes effective upon deposit. You will be invited in good time to the renewal.

Advantages of a corporate sponsor membership (CHF 5,000.-)

  • Four transferable memberships. These entitle the holder to a free visit with an accompanying person to our events, including recitals
  • Invitation to exclusive events
  • 10 per cent discount on day and half-day packages when using LILIENBERG
  • Receiving LILIENBERG thoughts and newsletters

Private individuals

Membership is personal and non-transferable. Membership becomes effective upon payment. You will be invited in good time to the renewal.

Benefits LILIENBERG friend (CHF 500.—)

  • Free visit with an accompanying person to our events, including recitals
  • Receiving LILIENBERG thoughts and newsletters

Benefits LILIENBERG prospect (CHF 100.—)

  • Four vouchers for participation in one event of your choice each without dinner
  • Visit of further events against a respective contribution to costs
  • Receiving LILIENBERG thoughts and newsletters
  • LILIENBERG prospect is a trial offer limited to one year. You then decide to become a friend or supporter.